Let's Get Your Items Sold
Taking the time make sure your items look good will get your items sold. This page is meant to be a resource on how to prep different types of items.
1- The First Section below are different prep guides available to download or view
2- The Second Section is a list of different tagging resources for unique items

Prepping Clothing
- Use regular hanger
- Snap & button all closures
- Pin to the hanger through seams
- Use regular hanger with notches or pant hanger
- Snap & button all closures
- Pants should be displayed on the hanger as if to be worn and not folded
- Pin to the hanger through elastic or belt loops
- Use regular hanger with notches
- Snap & button all closures
- Put top on the hanger first and pin pants to the hanger through open neck
- Try to have all pieces visible to shoppers
- Use regular hanger with notches
- Snap & button all closures
- Pants should be displayed on the hanger as if to be worn and not folded
- Pin to the hanger through elastic or belt loops
- Bundle sets together as if outfits
- Sleep sacks and buntings should be hung
- NOTE: JBF does not accept pajama tops to be sold as a single unit. Single pajama bottoms are acceptable
Clothing Bundles
- Use regular hanger with notches or pant hanger
- Snap & button all closures
- Pants should be displayed on the hanger as if to be worn and not folded
- Pin to the hanger through elastic or belt loops for pants
- Bundle all items together one hanger if possible or use 2 hangers and duct-tape or ziptie hangers together
Misc Clothing
- Snap & button all closures
- Costumes should be hung with accessories in a ziplock bag attached to hanger
- Outerwear should be zipped and on size appropriate hanger
- Sports outfits and pants should be hung on hangers as per type guidelines

Prepping Clothing Accessories
Hats and Beanies
- Bundle together small hats in a ziplock bag
- Larger sizes can be left unbagged and tagged as single items
- Sun and beach hat are accepted at the spring sale only
- Winter hats and mittens are accepted at the fall sale only
- Consider adding your hat to an outfit (accessories are not a hot seller)
Hair Accessories
- Bundle together hair accessories by size and type (small single item hair accessories are not accepted)
- Unique larger bows/headbands can be left unbagged and tagged as single items
- Attach bows or clips to cardboard in the bag if you can for better display
- Consider adding your hair accessories to an outfit (accessories are not a hot seller)
Belts, Ties & Scarves
- Bundle together with ribbon - do no use plastic bag
- items can be sold as eaches but will sell better in bundles
- Holiday design ties and winter scarves are accepted at the fall sale only
- Consider adding your belt, tie or scarf to an outfit (accessories are not a hot seller)
Socks, Tights & Underwear
- Bundle together by type in a ziplock bag - seal loosely so they can be inspected at drop-off
- All used socks, underwear and tights must be in a plastic bag and should be bundles
- Bundle items must be the same size and have the size listed on the tag
- Consider adding your socks to an outfit (accessories are not a hot seller)
- Swaddlers should be on a hanger
- Zip up all Closures
Misc Clothing Accessories
- Bundle in bags when possible
- Describe item well on the tag
- Consider adding your item to an outfit (accessories are not a hot seller)

Prepping Toys and Gear
- Bundle together small toys in a ziplock bag
- Ensure toys have batteries and are in working condition
- Include all parts and bundle small parts. Attach to base toy with ziptie
- Attach tag to the front of the toy if possible
Games, Puzzles, Arts & Crafts
- All Pieces and instructions should be included in the box in original packaging
- Games and puzzles bot in original boxes cannot be sold - NO bagged puzzles
- Attach tag with painters tape or scotch tape
- Family Adult/kids games & puzzles are accepted
- Arts, crafts and school supplies should be in like new condition. Small items should be bundled in ziplock bags by type.
Stuffed Animals
- Bundle small stuffies in a plastic bag
- Stuffies should be current and in like new condition - No worn plush, rips, pilling or tears
- Electronic Stuffies must be in working condition with batteries
- Claw machine, Dollar Store and arcade stuffies are not accepted
- Hot sellers are Pokemon characters, Beanie Boos and Squishmallows
Baby Toys
- Bundle small bay toys together by type in a ziplock bag - Do no mix baby and kid's toys as per CPC guidelines small parts cannot be included with items intended for infants.
- Electronic toys must have batteries and be in working condition, including large toys & equipment
- Do not mix characters in bags, if possible. Keep like items, brands or movie/tv characters together.
Sporting Goods
- Outdoor swim gear like floaties are only accepted in the spring and sleds are only accepted in the fall. All season sports items are accepted year round.
- Put single and bundled balls in a large plastic bag, if possible and attach tag to the outside
- Hockey and Ice Skates should be rust free on the blades
- Baseball pants should not have stains or any holes
- Toddler/Baby sleds & bike helmets must have straps
- Check books for missing and damaged pages. If written inscription is in front of book, place white label over inscription.
- JBF cannot accept books with any school library markings on them
- Attach tag to the outside of the book with blue painters tape
- Family and Kid's DVDs accepted
- DVDs should be unscratched and sealed with scotch tape only
Baby Items and Equipment
- Used Nipples and pacifiers cannot be sold
- Bundle like items together in ziplock bags
- Check bibs and small blankets closely for stains and bundle in a ziplock bag (seal loosely, so they can be inspected at drop-off)
- Cloth diapers and inserts are accepted if not stained or discolored.
- Disposable diapers can be sold in bundled pack if original packaging not available. Size must be listed on the tag.
- Small baby blankets should be bundled or packaged in ziplock bags or hung on a hanger. Large blankets should be hung on hanger.
- Wearable baby gear like carriers and diaper bags should be on a hanger
- High chairs and equipment must have working straps
- Check monitors for all parts and instructions
- Large baby items should be clean and include batteries
- Cribs will need to be set up at drop off and include a crib waiver. Cribs cannot be older than 2012
- Carseats cannot be expired and must have 1 year of use past the sale date and must include a waiver
- All items must be recall free or have applied recall fix
Large Items and Outdoor Fun
- Equipment must be clean and in working condition (no water filled bases)
- Stroller wheels and bike tires must be inflated and hold air with no rusting
- Large items will need to be set-up at drop-off
- Bikes, big wheels and wagons should have working parts and usable seats
Mommy Mart & Room Decor/Bedding
- Mommy Mart is an impulse area and items should be priced to sell
- No glass kitchen dishes or high priced fragile items. Any breakable glass items sold at the event are at done at the risk to the consignor (JBF cannot be held accountable for items broken at the sale - so please consider this risk when tagging your glass items)
- Mom and family items are accepted in the Mommy Mart area - including any holiday decor for that season
- Sheets and blankets are accept from crib to king size. Size must be listed on the tag
- All home furniture is allowed at the sale but must priced to sell - Dressers must include tip prevention kit