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Blaine/Andover's Children's Resale Event

Pricing and Tagging Your Items

What would you pay? Let's get Tagging

Pricing Your Items

Always consider the item's value and what you would pay for the item.  At JBF you make 60-70% of the price of the item, so tag your items with that in mind.  What do you want for the item?

Increase Your Sell-Thru

Whether you are donating or planning to pick up, you want a good sell-thru on your items.  Marking items to go half-off will increase your sell-thru and reduce your pick up donation load.


Question on pricing? Ask our consignor group on Facebook.  Legacy consignors are always eager to help out - join the group!

Making Tags

You can use your phone or computer to make your tags on the tagging system. Simply log-in and select create - the system will guide you from there

Tips and Tricks

Once logged in, select your profile settings and click on the half-off and/or donate box. This will default all your tags to which ever you selected.  You can over-ride as need in each tag, but it is a time-saver if you know you want most of your items to go half off.

Printing Resources

Check out these links for information on using your computer and printing.